Thursday, August 12, 2010

Traffic Control Personnel

Contributed by Sandy Paquette, Roadway Safety Trainer, Evergreen Safety Council
As per the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (41-10) Section 1-07.8 Page 1-50

The contractor shall require all personnel under their control (including service providers, Subcontractors, and lower tier subcontractors) that are on foot in the work zone and are exposed to vehicle traffic or construction equipment to wear the high-visibility apparel described in this section.”

The Contractor shall ensure that a competent person as identified in the MUTCD selects the appropriate high-visibility apparel suitable for the jobsite conditions. High visibility garments shall be in a condition compliant with the ANSI 107-2004 and shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.

All personnel performing the work described in section 1-10 (including traffic control supervisors, flaggers, spotters and others performing traffic control labor of any kind) shall comply with the following:
  1. During daylight hours with clear visibility, workers shall wear a high-visibility ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 Class 2 or 3 vest or jacket, and a hardhat meeting the high-visibility headwear requirements of WAC 296-155-0305; and

  2. During hours of darkness (1/2 hour before sunset to ½ hour after sunrise) or other low visibility conditions (snow, fog, etc.), workers shall wear a high-visibility ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 Class 2 or 3 ve3st or jacket, high-visibility lower garment meeting ANSI/ISEA Class E, and a hardhat meeting the high-visibility headwear requirements of WAC 296-155-305. (12 square inches of retroreflective 360 around the hardhat)

Buffer Space
: Neither work activity nor storage of equipment, vehicles, or materials should occur within a buffer space.
Option: A longitudinal Buffer space may be placed in advance of a work space.
Best practice: using the longitudinal and lateral buffers are an important safety feature for the workers and the road users to regain control or stop before entering the work space. If the Buffers are on the approved traffic control plan then I would say those then would not be optional since they are indicated on the approved plan. You can read more in the MUTCD Part 6 Page 6C-5 (pdf)

The WAC 296-155-305 rule 9 (a) Signaling and Flagging Part E
Does require that a flagger station is far enough in advance of the work space so that the road user can stop or divert before entering the workspace the WAC uses the previous Buffer space chart from the 2000 edition of the MUTCD (shorter distance).

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