Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Improper Housekeeping Can Cost You

Contributed by Mary Czaja, ESC Safety Intern

We all know the safety requirements for our core work duties. What if you spend time away from your everyday duties? Would you be aware of hazards in a different setting?

A business in OSHA Region 1 was sited and levied fines of $89,000 for hazard violations.

Boxes and pallets blocking an exit may seem like a temporary issue, but if a fire happened, workers lives could be in danger.

Is your emergency action plan up to date? Are all employees trained in what to do in case of fire or other emergent situation? What about the worker on light duty that is temporally reassigned? On the job training is a great tool for learning, but not during an emergency. Safety is important in all aspects of business, from top to bottom. Safe use of boxes, pallets, fire extinguishers, and clearly marked exit doors may seem trivial in the big picture of our working day, but that training might just save a life.

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