Monday, October 17, 2011

Why are accidents increasing after the texting ban?

Contributed by Eric Tofte, Director of Training, Evergreen Safety Council

Almost lost in the sea of press releases, in September 2010 Highway Loss Data Institute issued one regarding crashes and the banning of texting while driving. Who knew that in the 4 states where they studied crashes before and after the ban they found that in 3 out of the 4 states crashes increased after banning texting while driving.

In part the Highway Loss Data Institute release stated: “It's illegal to text while driving in most US states. Yet a new study by researchers at the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) finds no reductions in crashes after laws take effect that ban texting by all drivers. In fact, such bans are associated with a slight increase in the frequency of insurance claims filed under collision coverage for damage to vehicles in crashes. This finding is based on comparisons of claims in 4 states before and after texting ban, compared with patterns of claims in nearby states.”

One more thing, I am not saying we should change the law, I am saying that every one who drives needs to PAY ATTENTION. This means watch the road not your passenger, not the GPS, not your food or whatever. You are driving a 2 ton deadly weapon (or larger) and they will kill.  It is every drivers responsibility to stay focused. So if you cannot focus when you are driving, do all of us who do a favor... STAY OFF THE ROAD OR TAKE THE BUS.

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