Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mixed Safety Signals & Alcohol-Related Crash Videos

Mixed Safety Signals
Contributed by Norm Nyhuis, Trainer, Evergreen Safety Council

Every now and then we find ourselves depending on the information we can get from road signs – usually when we are in an unfamiliar city and desperately searching for our destination. I’ve noticed that the usefulness of road signs seems to be inversely proportional to my level of being lost. How much help would these road signs be in that situation? I can understand the first one – sort of – as there must be a curve to the left, but we are told to keep to the right side of the roadway. However, the second one, is just plain confusing.

While we may chuckle at silly signs and readily recognize the danger that can come from the confusion they may create, by their unclear massages, do you realize sometimes we give mixed safety signals to those we work with?

For example, let’s say the company policy is for everyone to always wear safety glasses while in the shop area. You are only going to be in the shop for a few moments, maybe just to retrieve an item you inadvertently left on the work bench, so you don’t put on your safety glasses. What message are you sending and what example are you setting for your co-workers?

You need to make a quick trip to the grocery store, and your 7-year old son decides to ride along with you. It’s only a few blocks, so you don’t fasten your seat belts. What message are you sending to your child about the importance of wearing seat belts?

Everyday we have opportunity to influence the safe activities of others, whether we realize it or not. Not just by what we say, but more by what we do. Please take the time to send clear messages.

If you have a photo of a strange, confusing or just plain silly road sign, please consider sharing it with us on our ESC Blog.
Picture source: Navy Safety Center

Videos About Alcohol-Related Crashes
You may be interested in seeing some creative videos produced by youth/ young adults related to the power of alcohol advertising. The videos were submitted in response to the 2nd annual contest, Free the BowlTM Video Contest, sponsored by the Marin Institute.
First place winner (age 10-20 category), "No Second Chances"
First place winner (age 21-25 category), "It's Time"

The other five winning entries and more entries may be found here, including:
"Winners" -- recaps the video contest with excerpts from several videos Videos which include messages regarding alcohol-related crashes -- "No Second Chances"; "Rid Big Al"; "FREE THE BOWL SAVE A LIFE"; "Strength to Succeed"

For more information, please see the link to this press release issued by the Marin Institute: Jackie Jamero Berganio, CPP, ICPS Project/Program Manager III King County MHCADSD Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 400 Seattle WA 98104 Phone: (206) 263-8931

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