Thursday, September 15, 2011

Safety Career Development

Contributed by Star Conrad, Director of Operations, Evergreen Safety Council 
A career in safety can take you down many different paths, such as Risk Management, Human Resources, Security or Operational Management.  To help prepare you to move forward in your career, ESC has partnered with the Washington Employers' Association to to bring Human Resources and Management training to ESC members and clients.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
8:00am - 12:00pm
Project Management

Increase your project completion rate. Effectively utilize team members and avoid “meeting burnout.”  Did you know that there is a growing trend in many companies to hire people to do project management exclusively? Currently, most companies expect their existing employees and managers to add “projects” to already full plates. But, the results are often spotty due to a lack of project management knowledge. 

The good news is that there are many tools and techniques that make for world-class project management. This class teaches the best practices for project management based upon current empirical research. Participants will apply the management theories and tools to their own projects and will create a complete project plan in the class.
In this course, you’ll use a simple one-page project management planning guide which will walk you through the steps that make the difference between project success and failure.  And, because your project partners are so integral to the success of your project, you’ll practice interviewing stakeholders and negotiating options.
Topics that will be covered include:
• World-class project management tools
• The importance of clear project goals
• How to ensure project support
• Using a Mind Map to capture ideas
• Getting your team on board

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Clarify project goals and deliverables
• Quick-start a project using a simple mapping tool
• Capture details of project action items
• Identify and collaborate with project stakeholders regarding their needs/concerns
• Delegate project tasks in a way appropriate to the person assigned the tasks
• Resolve conflicting expectations and project challenges

Cost for ½ day session: Mbr: $95 / Non: $115
Register Today!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Keeping Your Cool Under Pressure
Research today indicates that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is twice as important as IQ in an individual’s professional success. Your emotional intelligence is your ability to sense, understand and effectively apply power and depth of emotions as a source of energy, information, creativity, trust and connection. When EQ is absent, teamwork suffers and morale drops.

Emotions have never been welcomed in the workplace. We are conditioned to believe that work decision and business strategies should be based upon fact and logic. However, emotions are part of every interaction in your business and personal life. In the workplace, emotions are often unrecognized; but they are always there, and often interfere with organizational effectiveness.

Topics that will be covered include:
• Daniel Goleman’s research into emotional intelligence
• How fear and stress lead to unproductive behavior
• Why EQ matters to your career
• Keys to professional success: self-awareness and empathy
• What to do when your buttons get pushed!

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Identify Daniel Goleman’s EQ principles of self-awareness, selfmanagement, social awareness and social skills
• Analyze their own stress related quirks and develop alternatives
• Discuss their own issues more openly to increase their empathy skills
• Support other learners in their quest for greater mastery of interpersonal skills
• Practice new behavior within the safe confines of the classroom
• Learn to anticipate and prepare for challenging situations

Cost for ½ day session: Mbr: $95 / Non: $115
Register Today!

Keeping Cool and Project Management are taught by Susan Goldstein:
Ms. Goldstein is President of Puget Sound Training Associates and has been consulting, training and coaching for over 30 years. She obtained her Bachelor of Science from Portland State University and her Master of Arts from Marylhurst College. Ms. Goldstein has been growing leaders since 1976 and specializes in helping companies with their toughest people problems. She offers courses in communication and supervision for Washington Employers and provides coaching services to Washington Employers’ members upon request.

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