Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot Work

Contributed by Eric Tofte, Director of Training, Evergreen Safety Council
So do you do hot work at your facility? Chances are you do, after all hot work is any spark producing operation such as welding, cutting, drilling, etc. As most of us know, hot work is hazardous and can be down right dangerous if done wrong, especially in and around tanks. In February of 2010 the Chemical Safety Board issued a safety bulleting entitled “Seven Key Lessons to Prevent Worker Deaths During Hot Work In and Around Tanks”

The 7 lessons are:
1. Use alternatives
2. Analyze the hazards
3. Monitor the atmosphere
4. Test the area
5. Use written permits
6. Train thoroughly
7. Supervise contractors

The overall document is about 13 pages and if you would like to read the entire bulletin, which is a good idea, it can be found at the following link.

One other point of interest is that the Chemical Safety Board has some very good information and investigation information from massive explosions which have happened in the US.

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