Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Situational Safety

Contributed by Norm Nyhuis, Trainer, Evergreen Safety Council

Wander back with me, for just a moment, to your years as a student. . . all of us can remember how tough it was to sit in the classroom, when the first warm days of early spring called to us through the prison bars we were sure we saw on the school room windows. How can we concentrate on split-infinitives, quadratic equations, or even coloring while staying between the lines, when spring time activities beckon? But wait; what’s this? The teacher is leaving the room . . . now is the time to entertain the class by demonstrating that you can stick your head in the opening between the chair seat and backrest. Everyone is laughing and enjoying your show, but now it’s time to get back in the seat, and the teacher will be none the wiser . . . . .

Now fast-forward to after the teacher has returned to the room to find you in this embarrassing situation. To add insult to the situation, let’s call the school nurse, and one or two of the school maintenance staff to saw the chair apart to extract your head. Wonder if my parents will get a bill for the damaged chair?

Kid-stuff prank, you say? Hopefully this boy grew up to be a productive citizen, but let’s face it, even adults do some pretty silly things at times, that cause us to only shake our heads and wonder what they were thinking. Ahh . . . maybe, just maybe, they weren’t thinking!

Accident prevention is every employees’ responsibility, and avoiding horseplay, on the job is just one area where what seemed innocent at the start, can otherwise turn quickly to a tragic event.

Evergreen Safety Council offers a certification series of training for Safety and Health Specialists, where accident prevention is a common thread through all of the training sessions. If you have an interest in obtaining this certification, contact ESC at (800) 521-0778 or via the links on this web-site to learn more about this, and all the workplace safety programs we offer.
Picture source: the Navy Safety Center

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