Friday, April 23, 2010

New Motorcycle Endorsement Data

Contributed by Monty Lish, Manager, EMST
A new analysis has been completed by the Washington State Department of Licensing, the agency has wanted to connect Motorcycle registration data with driver's Motorcycle endorsement data. This analysis was run on about 50% of the vehicle registrations in the DOL data base, because just recently the DOL has been able to link the data bases for the vehicle registrations and driver licenses on about 50% of the data base. With this type of analysis the DOL is hoping they will be better able to connect the dots and find ways to improve the motorcycle compliance rate.

If you are one of these motorcycle owners and riders who does not have the proper motorcycle endorsement you can get yourself legal by taking a motorcycle safety course from Evergreen Safety Council. With the successful completion of most Evergreen motorcycle safety courses you qualify for a license waiver, which waives any further testing at the DOL when you go to get your motorcycle endorsement.


  1. Monty, It would be nice if the link to the data file worked. Looks like the file is on your own computer and needs to be moved to the server. Tom Pemberton

  2. Sorry about that! We have fixed the link.
    Evergreen Safety Council


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